Paperback Edition
210 pages
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eBook editions

Problems in Organic Chemistry

A Self-Study Guide

Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2013
Pages:  210
ISBN-10:  1612332765
ISBN-13:  9781612332765
Categories:  Chemistry  Science  Textbooks


Problems in Organic Chemistry: A Self-Study Guide is the only undergraduate organic chemistry book to use a lead oriented-incremental approach. It aids and reinforces learning by encouraging students to connect sometimes disparate facts and theories in order to solve problems. The approach uniquely complements the lecture material by building concepts sequentially within a problem-solving context. The book is organized into three major sections: problems; lead-oriented cumulative verbal statements; and detailed solutions with structures and in-depth explanations.

About the Author

David E. Horn received a B.A. in chemistry from Franklin & Marshall college, an M.S. in biochemistry from Villanova University, an MBA from Loyola College of Maryland, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Vermont. He began his academic career at Goucher College in 1967 where he taught organic and biochemistry and directed undergraduate research. An emeritus Professor of Chemistry since 2002, Professor Horn has served as a visiting professor of chemistry at Gettysburg College and York College of Pennsylvania. During the summer months he comes to Vermont where he has a summer home, and where he writes and teaches chemistry at the University of Vermont.

Michael J. Strauss is an emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Vermont. He spent much of his professional life traveling to schools, libraries and museums in Vermont to present hands-on workshops and shows of chemical magic for children. He is also the author of The Magical Classroom (Universal Publishers), The Mind at Hand (BrownWalker Press), and Investigating the Natural World of Chemistry with Kids (Universal Publishers).

Paperback Edition
210 pages
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