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Frank Pais

Architect of Cuba's Betrayed Revolution

Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2009
Pages:  345
ISBN-10:  1599429179
ISBN-13:  9781599429175
Categories:  History  History  Biography & Autobiography


Even though Fidel Castro founded the "26 of July" movement, this book shows that the organizing throughout Cuba fell on the shoulders of an underground leader named Frank Pais, who was also responsible for the survival of the incipient guerrilla force led by Castro in the Sierra Maestra. Pais became not only the National Chief of Action-as portrayed in the official publications-but the top leader of the M-26-7's National Directorate. The antagonism between Castro and Pais may have been the reason for his mysterious death when he was only 22 years of age. This is the true story of his life and legacy. At this crucial time, when historians are trying to arrive at the revolution's final balance, a book like this is essential to read before reaching an impartial verdict.

About the Author

Jose Alvarez (Antilla, Cuba, 1940) was militant in the 26 of July Movement from its establishment in 1955 until its dissolution in 1960. At the end of 1961, he broke with the Castro regime, but could not leave for the United States until 1969. He obtained a Ph.D. in agricultural economics at the University of Florida in 1977, remaining in its faculty until his retirement in 2003. He is the author of "Principio y fin del mito fidelista" (Trafford Publishing, 2008), winner of the Silver Medal in the Florida Book Awards, Spanish Language Category for 2008. An Emeritus Professor, he resides in Wellington, Florida, where he is already researching and writing his third book about the insurrection process.

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