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Banking and Micro-finance Regulation and Supervision

Lessons from Zambia

by Kenneth K. Mwenda
 Paperback     eBook PDF
Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2002
Pages:  245
ISBN-10:  1581126050
ISBN-13:  9781581126051
Categories:  Business  Business & Economics  Business & Economics


This book examines contemporary legal and policy issues facing banking and micro-finance supervision and regulation in Zambia. The book sets out an interdisciplinary exposition of the law. It provides an interface of financial services law and practice. Relevant aspects of business management and economic theory are examined as well. The book attempts to permeate intellectual spheres that have not been explored in depth before. In essence, this is not a simple textbook on the introductory aspects of a particular field of law, as is often the case with many books that have titles such as "Introduction to Business Law" or "Fundamentals of Tort Law", and so forth. By contrast, the book breaks new ground in the area of financial services regulation. Indeed, a law in context approach is presented, giving added value to the field of knowledge in the book.

About the Author

Dr. Kenneth Kaoma Mwenda, a Rhodes Scholar, and formerly Law Lecturer in the University of Warwick (UK), is presently with the World Bank, Washington DC, USA. Dr. Mwenda holds, among other qualifications, a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB) from the University of Zambia; a postgraduate double Masters degree in Law from the University of Oxford (BCL/MPhil); a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from the University of Hull; and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Law (PhD) from the University of Warwick. Dr. Mwenda is an Advocate of the High Court for Zambia and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK). He has also been Visiting Professor of Law at universities in Europe and Africa. In addition, Dr. Mwenda has been recipient of several academic awards and honours from institutions such as Yale University Law School. Dr. Mwenda is listed in several elite biographical listings, including Who’s Who in the World. A widely published scholar, Dr. Mwenda is author of six other books on corporate law, banking law and reform, securities regulation and business law. He has also authored more than fifty articles in leading academic and professional journals worldwide, and is currently working on two other books.

Paperback Edition
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